February 2, 2022
St Clare of Montefalco Catholic School in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan seeks a principal who possesses a strong commitment to the Catholic faith and Catholic education. The school educates a diverse group of students in prekindergarten through grade eight. The school is part of a vibrant parish community; however, many students come from areas outside the parish boundaries to receive the benefit of a Catholic school education. St. Clare of Montefalco School is accredited by the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools. The new principal should be prepared to work closely with the pastor, faculty, staff, and parents as well as working with the Archdiocesan Department of Catholic Schools to ensure the Four Dimensions of Unleashing Our Catholic Schools.
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February 2, 2022
It is at this time I am officially notifying you that I will be leaving St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School at the end of the 2021/2022 school year. The time has arrived for your wonderful learning community to move forward with another leader. This new leader will guide an incredible Catholic school which proved itself as it remained stable and even grew during a once in a century pandemic.
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January 31, 2022
Registration for next school year begins Tuesday, February 1, 2022 for all current families. We will be using the FACTS enrollment process for registration this year. Since you all completed the FACTS enrollment packet for this school year, the process should be more streamlined. Most of the information needed will already be filled in, though please double-check everything for accuracy. The registration fee will be paid through FACTS when you submit the packet. This fee must be paid in order for your enrollment packet to be submitted. The fee is reduced to $200 for returning families who register on or before March 31, 2022. The fee returns to the usual $300 for anyone who registers on or after April 1, 2022.
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January 27, 2022
Many thanks for sending your children to school dressed for this very cold weather. We have been inside the past week due to temperatures being under 20 degrees. The goal is to get fresh air so when the wind chill does not make the temperature under 20, I am making sure the students get 20 minutes of fresh air at recess. This helps in staying ahead of COVID.
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January 20, 2022
Middle of the Year STAR testing is happening next week. Please be sure your children get a good night's sleep and breakfast so they are in good form for thinking. Report Cards go home Tuesday. Virtual Conferences happen next Wednesday from 4:00 to 5:30. Teachers are reaching out to families they feel they need to touch base with as these are not mandatory conferences. If you need to speak with Special Classes teachers, please schedule an individual conference with them.
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January 13, 2022
Due to the changing conditions around school safety in our community, we are adding this addendum to our Crisis Safety Plan Handbook. It is in place until the Archdiocese of Detroit reviews and makes any changes to it. Chrome books/devices will be allowed to be used at home after school beginning Tuesday. They should only be used for school assignments. School administration will be flagged and sent any emails that have profanity or threats of violence contained in them. This will allow for immediate suspension of use of the student’s Google account sending out the inappropriate content.
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January 7, 2022
Due to the increase in Covid cases in the community, our January Open House is cancelled. We are planning to host an Open House event in late March or early April, during which prospective families could meet our teachers and tour the school. In the meantime, please visit our Virtual Open House website, visitstclareschool.org, or call the school for more information. If you would like to be added to our contact list, please call the school so we can keep you informed of future events.
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January 6, 2022
It’s so good to be back to school. We are remaining face-to-face for now as we move through this next COVID Omicron variant. Please keep your children home if they have any signs of a cold or flu as these are the signs for COVID too. Parents, you are our first defense against this variant. All the other parents rely on you making sure your own children are healthy enough to come to school. Here is the sign up for vaccination of anyone 5 and older. Registration forms will be sent for registered children. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBEyBPCcVzKONB98l3DT2OtVRPidW3WGLeDVrKL4-WUTZgYQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
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December 16, 2021
This is so exciting. Our “The Birth of Jesus” Christmas Program is this evening. Remember only adults are allowed at the program with tickets and masks must be worn. Doors will open at 6:00 though you need to drop your children off at 5:30. We are seeing if we can have the doors open a little earlier. Preschool and Kindergarten children will perform first. There will be a brief intermission where families that would like to take their little ones home may leave the program at this first intermission. All other families will stay until the end of the program. Students will all be brought out by the teachers like regular Dismissal every day. No one will be released early. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
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December 9, 2021
Staying with some positive fun, I believe your children really enjoyed taking the St. Clare of Montefalco tunnel to the church Wednesday to practice for the Christmas Program. They are now part of the special group that have been privy to use of the tunnel. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
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December 3, 2021
We are all painfully aware of the Oxford High School tragedy. Late last night I was made aware that the Grosse Pointe Public School System was closing for the day today. Their schools will reopen on Monday. They are not closing due to specific threats to their schools, but are closing out of concern of chatter in general social media. I spoke with the Grosse Pointe Park Police multiple times last night and early this morning. Our Catholic preschool thru grade eight school has had no threats made against it. Our young people have not displayed anxious behavior the last two days while at school about the Oxford tragedy. After speaking with the police and the Archdiocese of Detroit, I remain committed to keeping our school open today. Please open this post to view the complete letter.
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December 2, 2021
St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School is well in the loop of all safety measures being addressed during these troubling, sad times. The recent tragedy at Oxford High School has put all schools on high alert. Early this morning the Archdiocese of Detroit Acting Superintendent contacted all principals at 6:00 AM to assure we were current with what our local school districts are doing during this time. We were encouraged to contact our local police department, which I did immediately. Please know your children and their safety are always number one on my agenda. We also have a school counselor, Ms. Carly Cenit, on staff for children to talk to who have need if they have anxieties. You may reach out to her at ccenit@stclarem.org. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
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November 18, 2021
We have multiple families with children home due to the need to quarantine for COVID-19. If your child has two flu-like symptoms, please keep them home. If they continue to be sick it is advisable to have your child tested for COVID-19. Dr. Rudy Valentini, the husband of our PK 3 teacher Dr. Nancy Valentini, is in the Detroit Free Press today sharing COVID-19 information and ways to best stay safe. Open this post to view the complete newsletter and find a link to Dr. Valentini's article.
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November 12, 2021
Please open this post to find the links to sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher. Note that all conferences will be limited to 10 minutes maximum. No students will be permitted to enter the building. All parents must wear masks, maintain social distancing in the hallways and the classrooms, and leave the building directly following their conference. If you are unable to attend in-person conferences, please contact your child’s teacher directly.
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November 11, 2021
The Archdiocese of Detroit recognizes the extreme stress their employees and families have been under this school year still being in the pandemic. The Acting Superintendent shared that the AOD is giving employees and families two additional days off and suggested we take it over Thanksgiving Break. At this time, I believe we will add two days onto our break the week following Thanksgiving being Monday, November 29th and Tuesday, November 30th. We would return to school on December 1st.
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November 4, 2021
I am reaching out to all of you as tardiness and drop off safety are of major concern. Your children need to be in their classrooms at 8:00, not arriving at 8:00. All children should be dropped off by 7:55 using the Drop Off line. The drop off procedures allowed all children to be on time last school year. Every four cars or so may drop children off. You do not need to wait for me to open your car doors though I do love seeing all of you. We are having the line back up now as it seems new families are parking and having children cross in front of cars trying to leave. Please get to school between 7:45 and 7:55.
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November 1, 2021
We have made it through first quarter without a case of COVID-19 in our school building. It was at Halloween last year that one of our little ones tested positive for COVID. If you answer yes to either Question 1 or Question 2 you will need to keep your child home and call Ms. Crowley at 313-647-5129. We want to keep our children safe and face-to-face for second quarter too. I did sign our school up as a vaccine site once the vaccine becomes available for children five to twelve years old.
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October 28, 2021
We welcomed Mrs. Jackie Martin as the full time teacher in Grade Two today. Hugs and thanks go out to Mrs. Reid and Ms. Taylor who taught the class first quarter. They will remain part of our school community in a variety of capacities though no longer on a daily basis. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
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October 27, 2021
Every year, our 8th grade class hosts a wreath and poinsettia sale to raise funds for their graduation celebrations. Open this post to view the options available for purchase, and contact your favorite St. Clare student to place your order! If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Durham at jdurham313@gmail.com or 313-980-5059.
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October 21, 2021
Families, we are wrapping up week 8 with no COVID-19 cases in our school. Thank you everyone for riding this out with the school. It is really a drag not letting anyone into this school building during the day. I am adamant about everyone being safe. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
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