It is with hearts full of peace and understanding of the current situation as well as concern for the safety of our parents, volunteers, parishioners, school students, school staff, and our wonderful ANNUAL BOOK SALE supporters that we, the St. Clare of Montefalco PTO, have decided to cancel our Annual Used Book Sale for the 2020-2021 school year.
PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DROPPING BOOKS OFF AT THE SCHOOL OR PARISH AS THIS INCREASES RISK FOR OUR SCHOOL AND PARISH STAFF. WE ARE NOT COLLECTING BOOKS AT THIS TIME. The Book Sale is a major fundraiser for our school. Therefore, we are exploring fun ideas to replace the finances lost and will keep you informed of this progress. Please watch for future announcements! If you have fundraising suggestions, please contact Sue Pongratz, PTO President, at
[email protected].
The Annual St Clare PTO School Auction has been postponed. We are exploring a Fall date for the event. Look for an upcoming rescheduling announcement and we appreciate your support of our wonderful school! Questions? Contact
[email protected].