You will receive your regular newsletter Thursday. This is to share how Blessing of the Pets will happen Thursday afternoon to be COVID safe.
We are going to have three blessings where the students line up every morning. Times are as follows:
2:45 Grades 6 thru 8 -- Gazebo area
3:00 Grades 3 thru 5 -- Blacktop near Main Entrance to school
3:15 Grades KG thru Grade 2 -- Mack Avenue Entrance area
Deacon Rich will lead a general blessing with each group. This year the young people will not be able to stand with their pet. Parents will need to take on that responsibility. Family members may bring pets and socially distant stand behind the young people standing on their designated stars. Stay clear of the children as much as they and their pets will want to be together.
We can make this work. Grade 6,7, and 8 students will return to their classrooms after their blessing.
The Deacon will repeat the same process for Grades 3, 4, and 5 at 3:00 over where they stand each morning. Your pet may be blessed more than once so that all of your children can partake in the blessing with their pet. You will stand away from the children but in their vicinity. Students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 may go home after the blessing or walk with you and stand with you if you have a younger students who will partake in the last blessing.
The Deacon will repeat the same process for Grades KG, 1, and 2. Dismissal will happen when this last general blessing is completed.
Travel Quarantine Update: Seeing many people are making travel plans I want you to be aware that there will be a quarantine requirement if you travel out of state or to high COVID areas in the state. You will receive a more detailed letter around the need to quarantine next week. Travel will require 14 days quarantine to keep everyone in our school safe.
Peace, love and safe health wished to you all, Ms. Crowley