Everyone is very excited about our Field Day happening Friday, May 21, 2021. Listed below is information you must know.
1. There will be no Latch Key and no Hot Lunch (Pizza) Friday.
2. Field Day t-shirts will be sent home Thursday.
3. Drop off will be from same entrance on Mack but cars will proceed straight down the alley and drop the students off near the Sweeney Building entrance. Ms. Crowley will be there.
4. Students in Kindergarten through Grade Two must wear long slacks that go at least to mid-calf for protection of knees. Other students may wear appropriate athletic wear that is knee length at least and not tight fitting. No jeans or jean shorts.
5. Students need to bring their own healthy lunches, healthy snacks, full water bottles, sunscreen, and hats with visors for protection from the sun. Hot lunch will not be served Friday.
6. Students will need to carry their water and sunscreen from event to event. They may also bring their towels to sit on so a simple bag to carry items would be helpful.
The events will run from 8:20 until 11:30 with lunch happening from 11:30 until 12:30. The events will start up again after lunch. A lavatory/water break will happen for all the students both in the morning and in the afternoon. Students will be back in their classrooms at 1:50 where a freezer pop and quiet activity will be provided by their teachers. Students will return outside for the Staff Water Balloon Toss. They will hear announcements of the winning teams right before Dismissal.
Remember that if it should be a day with downpouring rain, the school day will be cancelled. All COVID-19 protocols will remain in place during Field Day. Students will remain in their cohort groups, continue to social distance, wear masks, and wash hands frequently. Equipment will be sanitized between cohort groups. Only one parent who has been fully vaccinated will assist each teacher with the events. Other approved volunteers are all also fully vaccinated.
Please assist us in making this a successful day. Make sure your children meet all the expectations listed above. Everyone is so pleased this event is happening for our children this year.