Virtual Update: In general all seems to be going smoothly. The students appear to be in uniform. The one request that needs to be enforced by parents is making sure your children are participating with their full face visible. The angle of the camera must have their face visible by the teachers.
Mass -- No Mass today.
Well Family Phone Calls/Plans for Next Week Families please be aware that Ms. Conlan is making Well Family phone calls today and tomorrow. We want to make sure you are all well and check to be sure your needs are being met. As many of you know, it has been suggested that schools go virtual for the first 2 weeks after break. I need to have an idea of what families have COVID exposure in their direct contact groups. We would like to try and open in person Monday, April 19
th as planned. We will be able to do that if those families who traveled and need to complete their 14 day quarantine adhere to the 14 days quarantining from the date student returned from trip. Ms. Conlan will also ask you about your travel over the break so we have a handle on those numbers too.
Quarantining update Thank you families who quarantined your children after traveling over break. Remember families if you traveled by car or by plane the children must quarantine for 14 days upon return from travel. The mandates for quarantining change almost daily. April 5
th they were allowing COVID testing and returning 8 days after travel. That is no longer the quarantine option. It is 14 days.
Once again, the goal is to be person to person. I would hope to be able to tell you if we will be face to face next week in the Newsletter Thursday afternoon. The priority is keeping everyone safe.