This is so exciting. We will see you in the morning. Here are some last minute updates to questions posed to me since the Thursday meeting. Remember those of you who were not present must view the recording of the meeting in the Thursday newsletter sent home. You must also review the documents shared above and then email
[email protected] informing me you viewed the protocols.
Updates Children Focused
*Lunches will be available the first day back. They are free until the end of March for those who indicate they would like one. Wednesday and Fridays will be pizza day. Please contact Meghan Harris for lunch needs.
*Students must dress warmly. They will wait outside in these cold temperatures as they must be temperature tested outside. Please make sure gloves, hats, warm coat and shoes/boots are worn for outside temperatures.
*Recess will be outside as much as possible – even if it is to take just a walk. The students need to take break from their classrooms
*Students will wear masks at all times. Even during gym and at recess. They will only take them off to eat at lunch or have water break.
* Packets/Progress Notes/Devices/Teacher requested books for Monday brought Monday.
*Latchkey opens Monday morning. Contact Jean Stanley.
Health Department Updates
*Children in households with members who tested positive for COVID-19 must stay home until that person tests negative. Children with any symptoms must stay home according to guidelines sent home Thursday.
*Quarantining has changed from 14 days to
10 days home without symptoms.
*Changes to policies and protocols at the school will occur as Wayne County Health Department changes them. Vaccine and protocols which change for families who have them, will be forthcoming when school is given the information.
Peace and safe health wished to you all, Ms. Crowley