“Make new friends but keep the old” has become the first and second grade motto as several new students have joined our class this year. We have talked about being members of our school family as well as our families of origin, and how we are all called to be part of God’s family!
In Social Studies, the second graders read about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, which included following school rules and how to be a citizen of the world. In Language Arts, both the first and second graders are reviewing short and long vowel sounds through songs/rhymes like “Miss Mary Mack” and “The Ants Go Marching” while also reviewing math concepts like cardinal/ordinal numbers and telling time using those same language experience activities.
First graders started the year in Religion class with Sister Mary Peter by learning about God’s care through Bible stories of great people like Abraham and Sarah. The second graders also have been attending religion classes with Sister Mary Peter to learn more about God’s love through the Bible.
A highlight of our week in science/nutrition was when a second-grade parent sent a healthy snack for the whole class to enjoy. We munched on cheese sticks, carrots, and watermelon slices shaped like pencils and erasers! What a delicious start to a new year!