St. Clare School is in the process of preparing to open a preschool classroom in the main school building. We have had many telephone calls asking if we provide full-day preschool classes. It became clear that there is a need for a full-day program. Our purpose in opening a new classroom for 3 and 4-year-old preschoolers is to support parents in early childhood education within an affordable Catholic environment. St. Clare School has always been committed to working closely with parents toward the spiritual growth and welfare of their children. Opening this new classroom will allow us to reach our younger children and make their first learning experience, both spiritual and academic, fun and exciting.
The addition of a full day preschool adds to our already successful Coop Nursery School and exemplifies the importance of Early Childhood Education. Having two preschools on our campus makes us uniquely different from other Catholic Schools and gives parents extra choices for their children. I believe our two preschool programs give an added strength to St. Clare by providing well rounded, child-centered and developmentally appropriate programs both in a loving, secure, and spiritually nourishing Catholic environment, rich with values and traditions.
The support and prayers of our parish and community members is also important to the success of our early childhood programs. Please keep us in your prayers and many smiles for our very young students.