Thanks to all of you who filled out our survey on the availability of devices for your children to use. It helped us determine how to make Virtual Fridays a more positive experience for you. This Friday teachers will post their entire lesson plan for the day in Google Classroom. Uniformity in delivery is the goal so that everyone has a positive experience.
Virtual Friday Lesson Plans
1. The plans will be found in two places on Google Classroom.
a. Stream
b. Classwork: Topic: Virtual Fridays.
2. The school day begins with Ms Crowley’s Prayer and Announcements at 8:05.
3. The plans will
a. include important links
b. reference the assignments the students need to complete
4. Students will submit their work
a. by posting to assignments that are located in the Classwork tab
b. under subject areas where the assignments are found
5. Students will use IXL that supports the standards in our curriculum.
a. they will have their new passwords to access IXL
b. teachers will post IXL assignments
6. Mass at 10:00 – Teachers may
a. Zoom for mass by sharing their screen during synchronous learning
b. or include school FB link for access on FB
Remember this is a recorded school day. Students must be in uniform and present for their lessons. Absences and tardies will be noted. Those who have technological troubles need to contact the office so the school may note the issues. Attendance will be adjusted while we continue to trouble shoot before the arrival of our chrome books.
Students will participate live with their teachers during synchronous time. Students should be completing their work independently during asynchronous time. Everyone should be off their devices between 11:30 and 12:50 enjoying lunch, recess and silent reading.