Dear St. Clare of Montefalco Families,
This was some weather week was it not? I’m sure everyone appreciated a day home together Wednesday as the projected Weather Report made being out and about a possible dangerous endeavor for all. Tuesday evening I called Wednesday a Snow Day. I kept checking the weather and nothing merited keeping St. Clare of Montefalco closed on Thursday. Grosse Pointe Public Schools, which were closed Wednesday, were also open Thursday. That being said, attendance was very good at St. Clare Thursday. We were able to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass a day late and the Black History Presentations were held following mass.
Going backwards in updates, teachers greeted the students as they entered school with beads for Mardi Gras Tuesday. Grade 8 walked the halls in masks singing, “Oh When the Saints Go Marching In.” Treats and meals were shared throughout the day. Grade 5 burned palms with Father Andrew and Mr. McDevitt to add to the palms administered Ash Wednesday.
Tuition Update
A note and eblast were sent home Thursday addressing tuition for Fall of 2020. We continue to Unleash the Gospel at St. Clare of Montefalco School. Please spread the good news about the quality and affordability of our school program. Invite folks to our March 26th Open House.
Dress Code Clarification: No more Free Jeans Day.
All days when children have the option to pick out different outfits for school will be Free Dress Days. Free Dress Day means students may wear casual but appropriate clothing other than their uniforms to school for the day. Pajama pants, leggings, torn clothing and camouflage are not acceptable. Life is much easier in the school when free choice is uniform and technical language does not need clarification. Thank you, parents in helping me make this decision.
A special thanks to all the parents who came out in the bitter cold to have their voices heard at our Parent Michigan Round Table and Inclusion meeting Thursday night. You will be invited back with the teachers to continue the discussion guided by Freda Sampson and Reanne Young.
Peace to you all,
Ms. Crowley
Important Dates and Events to Remember: