Dear St. Clare of Montefalco Families,
We had a very academic week this week. Monday the school did celebrate ”Read Across America” together at the end of the day. The young people enjoyed Olivia Johnson and Sage Johnson reading of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” to them. Results from the “America and Me” essay contest were received this week too. Congratulations need to go to all the young people who participated. The winners of the contest for our school were 1st Place – Sage Johnson, 2nd Place Amira Scott, and 3rd Place was Julian Townsend. Sage Johnson’s essay advances to the State level now.
Coronavirus Update
Attached you will find the St. Clare of Montefalco Continuity of Operations (Pandemic Plan). Monday I will send home a letter with more information. The following is an excerpt from a letter sent home to U of D Jesuit students that I feel would be helpful for you this weekend.
“We recommend you be cautious of misinformation campaigns and unfounded theories that circulate all too easily on social media. You can find the most up-to-date information and numerous resources on the CDC Coronavirus website, including a link called Share Facts, Not Fear.”
Tuition Update
We continue to Unleash the Gospel at St. Clare of Montefalco School. Please spread the good news about the quality and affordability of our school program. Invite folks to our March 26th Open House.
Closing Remarks
Please read the Important Dates and Events below. There will not be Latch Key on the half day March 17th as Ms. Jean needs to attend the Staff Professional Development too.
Peace to you all,
Ms. Crowley
Important Dates and Events to Remember: