I hope this finds you all doing well. Attendance has been outstanding these past few weeks at school. Drop Off in the mornings has been terrific too. Thank you for having your children ready to get out of the cars and dressed for the weather too.
When temperatures are 20 degrees or higher we will have the children wait outside in the morning and also enjoy recess outside. Fresh air is most important always but especially during this period of COVID-19 we are currently facing. Young people in snow pants are being allowed to play in the snow in the field. When picking your children up in the afternoon you will see some students are still creating chalk art on the surface of the parking lot. I have not heard complaints by any of the children about it being too cold outside. I try to be present outside each recess time to assist in the reminding of Social Distancing.
Next week should be super exciting. Along with regular lessons, your children will be participating in many activities celebrating Catholic Schools Week. We kick of the week off with our Winter Open House for families curious about our school to attend. Please spread the word. Make sure you look at the
Catholic Schools Week Calendar your children brought home earlier this week to know the activities they will partake in each day. (See the back of this newsletter for items needed for
Veteran Hospital Collections.)
Important Dates and Reminders:
1. Snow Day Notification – You will receive an SMS/call from school & it will be announced on news.
2. Parent Conference Sign Up Genius Link –Must sign up to participate Friday, February 5.
3. Open House Sunday Link – Sunday, January 31 from 1:00 to 3:40 Meet the Teachers
www.visitstclareschool.org 4. Catholic Schools Week – January 30 thru February 5, 2021
5. Report Cards – Wednesday, February 3, 2021
6. Half Day 12:00 Dismissal – Friday, Feb 5 Zoom Parent Teacher Conferences
7. Limited PM Latch Key Available Friday, February 5. – Reach out to Ms. Stanley
8. Middle of the Year STAR Testing Week of February 8 – (done in two 30 to 45 minute sessions on Chromebooks or iPads in classrooms)
9. Tuition Assistance Application 2021/2022 --https://www.detroitcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance-scholarships 10. Registration for 2021-2022 –www.stclareschool.net/registration-form Seats will be held for all current families until February 12, 2021. New families will begin registering February 12.
11. Winter Break – February 12 – February 15. Return on Tuesday, February 16.
See the updated Travel Quarantine Policy.
Peace and safe health wished to you all, Ms. Crowley