I so hope this finds you all doing well. Thank you everyone for supporting our young people as they participated in Spirit Week while engaged in Distance Learning. The photos you shared were enjoyed by many who follow the St. Clare of Montefalco School FB page. Those of you who were able to view my video this morning please bear along with me as I become comfortable making these videos. I wanted to make sure I recited prayers correctly as they are different versions from the prayers I grew up with attending St. Ambrose. Also I wanted to make sure I did not make a mistake in the School Mission Statement.
Thursday Eblast with Superintendent Kijewski Letter Superintendent Kevin Kijewski shared with all AOD families the announcement by Governor Whitmer around the closing of school buildings for the remainder of the school year. This does not close the academic school year. Superintendent Kijewski shared our AOD schools will move forward with our Distance Learning Program until the end of our school year. There are many hot links in the letter he shared and it would be advantageous for you to take the time to open and read them.
Distance Education There is discussion as to what the exact day for the end of the school year will be in our Distance Learning Program. We are looking at the unused Emergency Snow Days and Professional Development Days as allowing St. Clare of Montefalco to change our end date to an earlier completion. Other AOD schools are exploring this as well. I will keep you informed around the last day of school as decisions are being made.
Please know that after Easter Break teachers may have different schedules for you to follow. These first two weeks in Distance Learning allowed us to see what is working and what needs adjustment. Thank you everyone for the time you have invested in supporting this transition. Know that now it is very, very crucial that students in GD 3 – GD 8 check in with their teacher every day. Parents in the lower grades continue doing what you are doing but upper grades the students must make the teacher aware they are participating every day.
Please understand that if your family is experiencing loss or administering care to someone in your home who is sick, students responsibilities are to their families first. Let the teachers know of your status and expectations may be adjusted because families always come first.
Though we may end the school year in a virtual platform know that teachers would like to have closure with their children and families once this Shelter in Place lockdown is lifted. The staff is exploring ways to gather together following the lockdown to celebrate together. Once again this is a fluid discussion. Family input would be welcomed. Shared suggestions for a final gathering with our children that you believe would be a good way to bring us together and have a complete and spiritual closure to this school year.
Personal Affects As the school building has been deep cleaned, no one is being allowed into the school until the Shelter in Place Ban has been lifted. Our priority is to keep everyone safe. Once the ban is lifted we will make sure we set time for students to return to collect their personal items and return their textbooks. This would be easily accomplished if families are in unison around returning somehow for closure even after the Distance Learning program is completed.
Wednesday Children’s Mass Day at 9:00 Those of you who joined us Wednesday had a very fun experience as Father Andrew celebrated Spirit Week and April Fool’s Day. Many thanks to Sr. Kathy for sharing with Father two songs she recorded of our school choir which he played during his service. The choir’s cherub voices were truly touching. Please try to join us every Wednesday at this live Mass. It is a beautiful way for all of us to unite. Simply go to
stclareschool.net or our school Facebook page to participate in the live broadcast.
Tuition The Archdiocese has made arrangements with FACTS for different payment options you may choose to make directly with FACTS if you need to make payment adjustments for any reason. Payments may be extended thru August for this school year with FACTS. If you have a different agreement with our school please contact Ann Conlan around making adjustments to your payment due dates We will work with you.
AOD Applications and Award Letters The applications are due April 30 but that may be extended to late May. The award letters will come out in late June. The need for pastor signature may only be needed by families applying for the first time. Please contact Ann Conlan if you have any questions. This is a fluid situation and adjustments are continuing to be made.
Finally I must share this constant directive from the Archdiocese again. If anyone in your family has a confirmed case of Coronavirus 19 you must send me that information immediately. My email address is [email protected].
Peace to you,
Ann K. Crowley Educator/Principal St. Clare of Montefalco 313 647 5129
Calendar Updates: Tentative 1. Monday, April 6: Distance Learning continues. Students must contact teacher daily.
2. Week of April 6: Report cards go home on Powerschool
3. Thursday/Friday/Monday, April 9/April 10/April 13 School closed for Easter Break
4.Distance Learning continues April 14
th. Students must contact teacher daily.
5. Access to AR will be closed from April 9
th thru April 16
th for updates
6. AOD Scholarship application due April 30
th/perhaps extended into May.