This was a very good week at school. Classes participated in virtual Mass with Father Andrew Wednesday. Grade Five provided the Readings, Prayers and Petitions. Earth Day activities were shared and some of those activities from the classrooms can be found on our school Facebook page. Take a moment and explore those Facebook posts. See the collaborative and individual projects the young people enjoyed creating.
Auction: See below for the Auction link to share with family and friends. Bidding on a wide assortment of items is possible right now. The live virtual event is being held Saturday, May 1
st at 7:00.
Gardening Clean Up: Families, last year things really got out of control on the school property. The weeds were as tall as me. When we finally were able to come back out from our initial pandemic lock down, good families came up to school and spruced up the playground and the property around our school buildings. We are looking to partner now with the Parish Garden Club in the planting of flowers. The grounds need some sprucing up. The parish is planting May 1
st and May 15
th. We are going to clean our beds this Tuesday because May 1
st is committed to Auction. May 15
th we will plant flowers. Please, it is a fun activity to be involved in together. We will keep COVID safe distance but what a nice activity to meet each other and take care of the school at the same time.
Parent Workshop: Healthy School Family: Social and Emotional Learning Supports for Parents, and Students Wednesday at 6:00: A flier came home in the Communication Envelope this past Monday. I encourage you to attend this workshop provided by Global Psychology Solutions. The agency will provide skills/ best practices for you to use to meet the challenges of our ever-changing world-for selfcare and caring for others. See back flyer.
Uniforms: Families please assist the school in maintaining a scholarly image for our students. We have a uniform policy as dress reflects who we are as a school. Black, blue or white knee socks/ankle socks/tights are permitted. Footies are not. Black or brown dress shoes along with blue slacks and white or light blue oxford or polo shirts with collars are worn too. Dress shirts need to be tucked into slacks. We offer exceptional education here at St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School. Dress code is part of our exceptional standards which reflect who we are. I am only sharing the basics. Dress Code for the School can be found in School Handbook pages 11 -13.