We are experiencing very good attendance with all students back after quarantining. Thank you everyone for keeping your children home if they are not feeling well. We have 27.5 days left of school. The goal is to stay COVID-19 safe and face to face for all of those 27.5 days. Picnics and a Field Day are being scheduled for May and June. We want to have a healthy and fun closure to this school year.
Curriculum and Honors: The students’ Spanish schedule has changed for the last few weeks of school. Dr. Manetta, the Spanish instructor, resigned from Berkley Schools due to a severe health issue her teenage son is experiencing. Berkley could not provide another Spanish teacher. Students are receiving an extra gym day for three Fridays and an extra class with Ms. Corbett for two Fridays. Please keep Dr. Manetta, her son, and family in your prayers.
Click here to see third quarter Honor Roll, Citizenship, and Improvement awards for students in grades three through eight. Father Andrew acknowledged all of them at Mass Wednesday.
Auction: Bidding on a wide assortment of items is currently possible. Nikki Rittenour and the Auction Committee deserve the highest recognition for the excellent event they created. This Thursday morning the event had already generated $60,637. The goal of $80,000 is aimed for by the end of the live virtual event this Saturday evening. Check it out.
Gardening Clean Up: A shout out of thanks goes to Melrose and Kimberly Stafford, Franca Grassi and Nikki Rittenour, Lauren Harris, Nadia Richardson and Tina Weiksnar, Katelyn DeGrand (Grade 8 parishioner) and Mary and Clare Conway for preparing the school grounds for the planting of flowers. Your weeding and raking made a big difference in the appearance of the school grounds. We hope more families can join us on the 15
th for the planting.
FACTS Roll Out: The school will begin using FACTS for our School Information System instead of PowerSchool. All grades and other school information will be accessed through FACTS Family Portal, including enrollment for future school years. All families who have registered for next school year must complete the FACTS online enrollment packet. You will receive an email on Monday with more information.
Important Dates and Reminders:
1. Pajama Day – Friday, April 30
th Clean, full length pajamas and gym shoes will be allowed but no slippers.
2. Annual PTO Auction – Live virtual bidding available now at
https://scsauction.asimobile.net/ Saturday, May 1
st at 7 PM event is live virtually with M.L. Elrick emceeing.
3. First Communion Grade 2 – Sunday, May 2
nd at 11:00 Mass
4. ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) –Wednesday, May 5 at 10:00 (Falcon Sports Wear Dress Down Day)
5. Tentative Field Day (COVID-19 status based)– Friday, May 21
st 6. Tuition Assistance Application 2021/2022 --
https://www.detroitcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance-scholarships May 21, 2021 is deadline for first round applications.
Peace and God’s Blessing wished to you, Ms. Crowley