Apologies to any of you who tried to communicate with us this past week. We have had ongoing issues with our phones and internet. We are hoping that the issues have been resolved. This Newsletter is heavy with information. Please read carefully all the way through.
Before listing everything that is going in regards to the start of school, I need to share that Mrs. Ann Conlan, the administrative assistant, will be leaving the school as of Wednesday, August 25
th. We send her off with thanks and prayers that her new endeavor brings her great happiness. She will still assist us as we transition into replacing her. Ms. Valerie Albright has agreed to help us the first two weeks in covering the office phones and doors.
Good news needs to be shared also around a former St. Clare of Montefalco graduate, La’Shai Gaiter, whose younger siblings Seth and Jasmine are still attending St. Clare. La'Shai was Class Valedictorian of the Detroit School of Arts. La’Shai shared the following message: "It was truly a great honor and privilege to be my school's, The Detroit School of Arts, Class Valedictorian! As an 8th grade graduate of St. Clare of Montefalco, it is my absolute pleasure to be able to write this! Growing up, my family has always highly valued good education and hard work. They have pushed me to reach for the stars, and to always have faith in myself and my abilities. Becoming my class' Valedictorian was an amazing reminder of how it's always worth it to just give it your all! That doesn't just go for academics, but for anything else you may have a passion for or an interest in. I can guarantee that your hard work will pay off in the end."
1. St. Clare of Montefalco will now require all students and adults to wear masks during the school day. 2. The State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Letter of August 13 and
PowerPoint Presentation on all questions around COVID-19 and quarantining including for travel 3. Dress code for this school year has been finalized in the SCM Handbook.
Click here to view the updated dress code. 4. Lunch will be free for all students again this year, and we also have a new lunch service provider through the AOD. You can read about the new provider and the free lunches by
clicking here. 5. PTO Activities
a. Back to School Family Get Together Sunday, August 22 1:00 to 3:00
(school building will not be open so please do not bring school supplies)
b. Gardening Monday, August 23 6:30 to 8:00
c. First Coffee Klatch Monday, August 30 at 8:00
6. New Family Orientation for Thursday, August 26 -
Sign Up Here
There has been a change in the starting date for Latchkey. Ms. Stanley will begin the latchkey program the first full day of school, Tuesday, August 31.
Important Dates and Reminders: 1. Back to School Celebration – Sunday, August 22 from 1:00 to 3:00
2. Pre-K Roundup Dates: Tuesday, August 24th or Wednesday, August 25th -
Click here to sign up 3. New Family Orientation – Thursday, August 26
th (Two sessions 9:00 to 10:00 or 1:00 to 2:00 )
Click here to sign up 4. First Half Day of School – Monday, August 30 8:00 to 12:00
5. Full Days of School – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (August 31 - September3) 8:00 to 3:30
6. Latchkey Begins – Tuesday, August 31
7. Labor Day Break – Friday, September 3 through Monday September 6
8. Return to School – Tuesday, September 7
th 8:00 to 3:30
9. STAR Testing – September 7
th through 10
10. Meet the Teacher Night – Wednesday, September 8
th 5:30 to 7:00
11. First PTO Meeting – Wednesday, September 8
th 7:00 (following Meet the Teacher)
12. Picture Day – Wednesday, September 22, 2021
13. Virtual Friday – Friday, September 24, 2021