I hope this finds you doing well. Families, students and staff you are all incredible folks. Your love and faith radiate through all this uncertainty. Your embracing of each other and reaching out in support with prayer and resources to assist those in our community who are ill or grieving the loss of loved ones demonstrates God’s love that keeps you all family.
Important Updates 1.Attendance, Submission of Work, Assessment, Free Wifi, Food Resources are addressed in April 8th eblast. 2.Friday, April 24 No Distance Learning. Teachers at Archdiocese of Detroit meeting.
Friday, April 24th 3:30 PM Lion King, Jr. Zoom Practice 4.AR PointsDeadline is May 21st. Remember 3
rd quarter and 4
th quarter will be combined.
Special Classes – Thank you for navigating the individual lesson plans the Specialist Teachers sent out to you. Their format varied from the Daily Lessons of St. Clare of Montefalco staff. If Distance Learning occurs at another point in time we will work at providing seamless lessons with the Specialist Teachers. Meantime completion of lessons and work must be submitted to the Specialist Teachers.
St. Clare Survey –10 question survey as your opinion matters to us.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAMi2p9p-iaG5ofiC4jEQRk8N4BVQyzPOSlAx23NN8CTzO6w/viewform 7.Calendar – Next week a calendar will be sent that goes until the end of the school year.
Early Registration Discount extended to April 30th. Save that $100.
https://stclareschool.net/registration-2020-2021 9.AOD Scholarship Due Date extended to May 15. There will only be one round of granting scholarships this year.
10.2020 Book Sale Cancelled due to pandemic. Contact Sue Pongratz at
[email protected] if you have suggestions for other fundraising activities.
Finally I must share this constant directive from the Archdiocese again.
If anyone in your family has a confirmed case of Coronavirus 19 you should send me that information immediately. My email address is [email protected].