I hope you are all doing well today. This information is what you need to know currently.
1. There will not be a Virtual Friday on October 8th. Students will have in person school. 2. All money for
Latchkey will now go directly to Mrs. Irvin-Stanley. The program is run separately from the school. She will take the payments directly from you as it will only go through her hands.
3. We are beginning our
Circle of Grace lessons early this school year. We want all the students to be reminded how to be respectful of each other’s space and privacy. Even though social distancing is supposed to prevent the children from being close to each other, some are letting down their guard and touching each other.
Four Day Weekend Teachers have professional development Friday, October 15
th and Monday, October 18
th. Enjoy your four day weekend with your children.
Parish Rosary – Sunday, October 17
th at 3:00 PM. Families are encouraged to participate in reciting the rosary with the parish in honor of the Blessed Mother.
Thank You Notes to the Dingell Hospital Veterans – Ms. Corbett is leading this in participation with the parish.
Important Dates and Reminders:
1. No Virtual Friday – October 8
th (in person class only as we do not need more virtual practice)
2. Turkey Trot Fun Run Kicks off Friday –October 8th
3. No school Friday – October 15th (Teacher Professional Development)
4. Scary Skate Sunday – October 17
th at Great Skate from 4:30 to 7:00
5. No school Monday – October 18
th (Teacher Professional Development)
6. Summer Reading Free Dress –Friday, October 22nd
7. Haunted Garage –Sunday, October 24
th 6:00 to 9:30
8. Makeup photos (PK-7) and Grade 8 Photos – Wednesday, October 27th
9. First Quarter Ends -Friday, October 29th
10. Trunk or Treat – Saturday, October 30th