COVID-19 Update We have multiple families with children home due to the need to quarantine for COVID-19. If your child has two flu-like symptoms, please keep them home. If they continue to be sick it is advisable to have your child tested for COVID-19. Dr. Rudy Valentini, the husband of our PK 3 teacher Dr. Nancy Valentini, is in the Detroit Free Press today sharing COVID-19 information and ways to best stay safe.
Click here to read the article.
COVID-19 Testing Upon Return from Thanksgiving Break Due to the huge increase in COVID-19 cases in the State of Michigan and the fact we know many of us will be in larger family gatherings this break, I am highly encouraging all families have their children COVID tested on the Monday or Tuesday before returning on Wednesday to school. I am encouraging our staff members to do the same. Our youngest children are the most vulnerable at this time. Many are not vaccinated yet, and our preschool students cannot vaccinate. The Christian spirit has one watching out for others. Testing your children to assure they are not carrying COVID-19 would be a display of protecting each other in our community.
Full-School Christmas Program December 16 at 6:30 PM We have a lovely Christmas Program which the young people have worked on for months. The goal is to have the program in the church in person for the parents and guardians. Please monitor your children’s health. It would be heartbreaking to have children become ill and have to go virtual. We would not be able to have a Christmas experience together if that should happen.
Resource Counselor Carly Cenit update This week’s theme has been kindness. National Kindness Day was Nov 13th and we are keeping the kindness going! I have educated students on the connection between mindfulness and kindness. Therefore, we have started a classroom kindness challenge. The students were provided with a kindness chart and were asked to color in a square once they have completed that kindness act. The class will also be acknowledging when they observe others being kind to each other and putting it on the board.
Thanksgiving Food Drive explained by Mr. Nick Hughes National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive inspired by the corporal work of mercy, feeding the hungry. We are collecting canned foods to be donated to families in need, and we ask for your participation in a whole school competition. The first floor will face off against the second floor in a contest of who can collect more cans! We ask that these cans be donated by Tuesday, November 23 so that they may be delivered by Thanksgiving. Whichever floor collects the highest number of cans will receive ice cream treats! Please help us spread thanks and gratitude in this special time of year.
School Weekend Mass This week Grade 5 will represent our school at the Sunday 9:00 Mass. Please join us.
Important Dates and Reminders: 1. Half Day 12:00 Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences – Thursday, November 18
th 1:00 to 4:00
2. Free Reading Dress Day – Friday, November 19
th 3. High School Placement Test – Saturday, November 20
th 4. Sunday All School Mass – Sunday, November 21, at 9:00 (Grade 5 families represent)
5. Thanksgiving School Mass – Tuesday, November 23 at 8:15 Grades 7/8 lead
6. Upper Grades Honor Roll and Spelling Bee – Follows Mass in church Tuesday, November 23
7. Thanksgiving Break -Wednesday, November 24 – Tuesday, November 30 (return on December 1)
8. Wreath Pick Up – Tuesday, November 30, 2021 2:30 to 4:30
9. Return from Thanksgiving Break – Wednesday, December 1