Staying with some positive fun, I believe your children really enjoyed taking the St. Clare of Montefalco tunnel to the church Wednesday to practice for the Christmas Program. They are now part of the special group that have been privy to use of the tunnel.
School Mass Families, once again my heart goes out to you for your presence at the 11:00 Mass last Sunday. This week we return to the class who led Mass on Wednesday, being the families we hope will represent our school at the 4:00 Saturday Mass and that class was our Grade 6 class. It is a casual Mass. Any other families beyond Grade 6 who are able to attend, I so welcome your presence with us. Grade 6, I hope you have an excellent turn out at that 4:00 Mass.
Ticketed Christmas Program December 16 at 6:30 PM & Costume Updates Due to COVID-19 this event will be a ticketed event and only for adults. Your children will bring home 3 adult tickets per family on Monday, December 13. You must have a ticket and wear a mask to attend the event.
1. December 17
th will be a half day with 12:00 dismissal and students must wear their uniforms that morning as Bishop Fisher will be saying the Mass that morning with Father Andrew.
2. No After School Latch Key on Friday, December 17
th, 2021.
3. Christmas Break -- The break begins at 12:00 on Friday, December 17
th. Students return on Monday, January 3, 3022.
1. Thursday, December 9
th – Progress Reports go home
2. Saturday, December 11
th – Grade 6 and School Mass at 4:00
3. Monday, December 13
th – Christmas Program tickets sent home
4. Tuesday, December 14
th -- Parent Auction Gathering/Sweeney Center Second Floor 5:30 to 7:00
5. Thursday, December 16
th – Summer Reading Free Dress Day
6. Wednesday, December 15
th – Grade 5 Coreander’s Children’s Bookshoppe Event 5:00
7. Thursday, December 16
th – Christmas Program 6:30 pm (Ticketed Event)
8. Friday, December 17
th – Bishop Fisher Mass 8:15 with 12:00 Dismissal
9. Friday, December 17
th – No Afterschool Latchkey
10. Christmas Break Begins Noon Friday, December 17