Here are step by step directions for our orientation meetings. I hope they ease any anxiety you may have about our first meet up together.
1. Follow your assigned day and time for arrival to your child’s meeting.
2. Park in lot in front of the school leaving safety space for children to line up.
3. Do not get out of cars until Hazmat Temperature is taken.
4. Walk to assigned desks identified by child’s name *
5. Ms. Crowley begins meeting with all present
6. COVID-19 Commitment forms completed
7. Teacher takes students to assigned entrance doors and begins student orientation
8. Parents stay with Ms. Crowley for Parent Orientation and Parent Packets completed. Bring doctor emergency contact phone numbers and ink pens to fill out forms.
9. Virtual Fridays Commitment Form completed
10. COVID-19 Wayne County Health Department Scenario Responses
11. Distance Learning Online Option reviewed
12. Other questions
13. Teachers bring children back out to parents.
14. Meeting adjourned
* If raining follow first 3 steps then i. After temperature taken, student is directed to entry door
ii. Families receive Family Packet
iii. Families connect via zoom to Orientation Meeting at 9:15 a. Meeting ID: 791 1930 4024
b. Passcode: 8E6Trx
FYI: Students do not need to wear uniforms until September 1, 2020
*Masks must be worn on campus by everyone at all times unless teacher or administrator approves removal of mask in outside area.