Please join the St. Clare of Montefalco PTO and the St. Clare School community at this year’s Annual Auction! It will be “out of this world.” Tickets are $50 in advance and $75 at the door. Donations and advertisements will be accepted until April 2nd to be included in the Auction catalog.
The Auction will take place on Saturday, April 21st from 5:30-9:30 pm in the St. Clare Church Social Hall (bottom of church).
5:30 pm – Silent Auction/Strolling Supper begins
8:15 pm – Live Auction begins
Tiles are available for families, groups and businesses for $25. There will also be a “101 Live Auction Raffle” where only 101 tickets will be sold at $100 each for the opportunity to win any of the Live Auction items! We are looking forward to having another graduate launch this June, and that would not be possible without your commitment to St. Clare School and St. Clare School’s students.