This weekend found some of our families traveling. Thank you so much for calling school and making the office aware that your children went out of state with you. It is this team effort which is keeping our school open with the face to face option for our young people.
Students must quarantine if they traveled or were with a person for extended time from out of state. These are the two options you may choose from if your child is with anyone from out of state either by travel or by home visit.
Option 1: Students may stay home for 14 days in quarantine. If no symptoms are displayed, the student may return on the 15
th day.
Option 2: Students may stay home 4 days and on the 5
th day may go and receive a PCR delayed COVID-19 test. It will take two or three days for it to be returned. If the test comes back negative, the student may return the day after the results come back. Their first day back will be a full day back.
While the students are quarantined they may join the Distance Learning students and complete the assignments posted in Google Classroom by their teachers. Mailboxes for exchanging materials will be designated with the other Distant Learners.
Parking Lot Morning Entry Changes
The PTO sponsored a consultant to study the entry process we have been using in the mornings. Safety is number one for everyone in our school community. The consultant made some very wise suggestions at changing our entry process to keep everyone out of harms way. November 2nd we will begin the new process of dropping students off after we tweak out the suggestions. An eblast in regards to dropping your child off at the beginning of the day will be sent out next week. We will make a sample video of a few families participating in the process to make it easier to understand.
Peace and safe health wished to you all, Ms. Crowley Principal/313 647 5129