You are an amazing group of people. Who would ever believe the Online Auction put together by parents and parish members would draw in $70,000? Jaws all drop whenever I share this news with anyone I come into contact with whether with the Archdiocese or just in general. This little catholic school community in the middle of a pandemic, spiritually challenged due to significant losses of close family members, and emotionally challenged by many becoming unemployed, this little catholic community raised $70,000 to support its school. St. Clare of Montefalco school families you made that happen. Your spirit shines through no matter what darkness falls upon you. God is with you that is obvious.
Report Card Update: They will be ready
Tuesday, June 2 on PowerSchool. Simply log in and access your child’s report card. Hard copy versions will be in your child’s
Personal Effect Packet.
Book Exchange/Personal Effect Parking Lot Exchange Day: Teachers have collected students’ personal items as they cleaned their classrooms and student lockers. Bags have been created for each student with their personal things in them. Report Cards and SCM Year Books for those who ordered them will be in the bags as well.
Zoom Schedule and Summer Reading Forms: You will receive two separate eblasts after this Newsletter addressing each one of these topics. Zoom begins Wednesday, June 3. Summer Reading Program runs like in past years. Principal Response in the Fall will be determined when we know what it will look like upon returning in the Fall.
An assortment of alternative plans for opening in the Fall are being formatted. We
might be able to have school all day every day with a virtual day thrown in each week. We
might have the space to provide social distancing with our students. Virtual Day might allow for an optional day to stay home or report to school. All students will partake in online instruction one day a week at least. This is our new reality until a vaccine is created that will protect all of us. We will
prioritize safety and social distancing in regular classroom days. We will have zoom days. We will have Weekly Children’s Mass. We will spiritually get through all of this together as we are the St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School Community. God has us in his fold.
Important Dates: June 2, 2020 – Report Cards released on PowerSchool
June 3, 2020 – First Summer Zoom Meet Up
Week of June 8th – Book/Packet exchange (Newsletter next week will have details)
June 20, 2020 - Grade 8 Baccalaureate Mass
Peace and safe health wished to you all, Ann K. Crowley