There are so many topics to cover that I am going to list them by titles this week.
Snow Days – In order to savor the childhood experience of that unexpected Snow Day we will honor inclement weather days by sending families and SMS and having it announced on the news. The first day of any bad weather will have the school closed. If the situation calls for more than one day, all days after the first day will be Virtual Days. We will honor this process until we run out of Emergency Days.
2021-2022 Tuition Assistance Parents are invited to apply for Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance for the 2021-22 academic year beginning January 22. Deadlines to apply are April 30 for the first round of awards and June 30 for the second round of awards.
Dismissal Pick Up of Kindergarten and Grade 1 students – Please come out of your cars and toward your children in line to pick up your children in person. We do not want children darting between moving cars. Thank you for helping with this.
February 5th Parent Conferences Sign Up Genius – the link will open on Monday, January 25, 2021. An eblast will be sent home.
SCM Black Long Sleeve T-shirts – The new shirts donated to our students may be worn to school if the student wears a school shirt with a collar underneath it. Collars are part of uniform.
Registration for 2021-2022 – The school website,, has registration forms available now for the upcoming school year. Seats for all current students will be held until February 12. Registration discount will be available for school families until March 31. We will not take new families officially until February 12
th. Please contact the school if you need any assistance.
Open House – January 31 from 1:00 to 3:40. This is for new families to come and meet their possible new teachers for next fall. Live zoom meet ups will occur at
Auction Update, May 1 2021 – See
attached flyer for more information
Gym Reservations for school families -- St. Clare School Families may sign up to use the gym in safe family pods or even classroom cohort groups. Please reach out to Bob Conway
[email protected]. You may also visit the St Clare Athletics Facebook page.
Ms. Nader’s Departure – Friday will be Ms. Nader’s last day with us at school. We will miss her and all that she has brought to the children, staff, and families. She has shared she would like to connect the children in the school she goes to in Vermont with students here at St. Clare. Ms. Nader has
a message for everyone.
Distance Learners – Next Monday will be the end of our Distance Learning Option. Not all our school families are able to return safely in person. They will be missed that is for sure. We hope they remain safe and that they may return to St. Clare of Montefalco when the pandemic does not affect their lives to the extreme it is currently. Non-returning Distance Learners, you are forever falcons.
Important Dates and Reminders: 1. AOD Tuition Assistance link live – Friday, January 22, 2021
2. First Communion – Friday/Saturday January 22/23 at 6:30PM/10:00AM
3. Monday, January 25, 2021 – Last day of second quarter
4. Parent Conference Sign Up Genius Opens – Monday, January 25, 2021
5. Open House Sunday – Sunday, January 31 from 1:00 to 3:40 Flyer coming out next week
6. Catholic Schools Week – January 30 thru February 5, 2021 (Schedule coming home next week)
7. STAR Testing Window Opens – February 1 thru February 28 (We will administer after Catholic Schools Week)
8. Report Cards – Wednesday, February 3, 2021
9. Parent Teacher Conferences Half Day – Friday, February 5, 2021 (Sign-up Genius available January 25, 2021).
Peace and safe health wished to you all, Ms. Crowley