Happy Winter Break ahead for all of us. Please be safe and enjoy your time with your children these next 4 days.
Registration: Be very mindful that tomorrow, Friday, February 12
th, registration opens to new families who have been waiting with completed applications to join our school community for the 2021/2022 school year. Returning families, your children must be registered and the $200 discounted registration fee must be paid this Friday, tomorrow, February 12
th, to save a place for your children. We have many registered and paid. This is a good problem to have for us. I know we will not need splits next year. Excellent. Get your children registered.
STAR testing – is almost completed. We had Comcast internet issues which put a delay on the completion of testing for some classes until next week. Students need to test at the optimal time of day and need to be focused so we will wait.
Black History Month – Thank you Lauren Harris for your presentation about Maya Angelou during morning announcements. Classrooms are involved in activities addressing famous people and moments in Black History. Students are being encouraged to present at announcements a person or event that is significant to them. Encourage your child to participate. Just a few lines need to be shared.
Welcome New Music Teacher Mrs. Connie Malabed – Praises and shout outs to the arrival of our award-winning and gifted music teacher. Music streamed down our hallways. We are thankful to Mrs. Jody Corbett for providing coverage for music until we found Mrs. Malabed. Mrs. Corbett wears a zillion hats here.
Social Media Legal Age Warning – Parents have shared concerns about underage young people trying to post on school social media sites. It is against the Terms of Agreement with FB to have anyone under the age of 13 holding accounts. Under no means should a child have social media accounts before they are 13 years of age.
Click here to read Facebook's official policy.
Important Dates and Reminders: 1. Winter Break – February 12 – February 15. Return on Tuesday, February 16.
(Travel Advisory Letter of January 28) 2. Registration for 2021-2022 –
www.stclareschool.net Seats will be held for all current families until February 12, 2021. New families will begin registering February 12.
3. Unity in Diversity Meeting – Tuesday, February 16 4:00 to 6:00 (Participant details TBA)
4. In Person Mass for Grades 5 thru Grade 8 Ash Wednesday at 2:00 PM (livestream in school)
5. March Lunch Calendar Goes Home – Tuesday, February 16 due back Friday, February 19.
6. Tuition Assistance Application 2021/2022 --https://www.detroitcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance-scholarships April 30, 2021 is deadline for first round applications.
Peace and safe health wished to you all, Ms. Crowley