We begin Easter Break as we finish our third marking quarter here at school. We are one year in from the beginning of the pandemic and our children and school families made adjustments to remain safe this school year. We prepared carefully for face to face instruction in the Fall and implemented virtual instruction when needed. STAR testing revealed our children did not suffer the monumental academic loss experts were predicting would occur with young people. That is a tribute to the teachers remaining synchronous each and every day with their students unlike most other schools. The tribute is to parents for keeping up with the students during that virtual time. The tribute is to the students as they adjusted their learning style from in person to virtual to in person to virtual.
Emotionally, all of us are adjusting to this year defined by the pandemic. I read an analogy of a school being an ecosystem where all people involved around the education of the children are key in making the ecosystem healthy and working. St. Clare of Montefalco has an extremely healthy spiritual and educational ecosystem. Of course there were moments when components of the ecosystem were stretched but the focus was always on the children and their needs.
Your children participated in so many excellent activities this past week. Please check our school Facebook page over break. Enjoy the numerous photos acknowledging academic learning and the ways in which our students prepared for Easter.
irtual School First Week After Break Families you need to know that
if you leave the State of Michigan your children will need to quarantine for 10 days upon the day of your return whether you travel by plane or car. Your child may wait 3 days after travel and on the 4th day take a PCR test. If the test is negative your child may return to school the 8th day after the return of your trip. If your child does not take the PCR test, then your child will need to complete the 10 days quarantining Your child would not be able to return until April 25
th if you return April 11
th from travel.
FACTS Registration – More information will be shared after Easter Break.
Important Dates and Reminders: Take note of change for Report Cards and Tuition Assistance. 1. Easter Break Begins – Wednesday, March 31
st at the end of the school day.
2. Third Quarter Report Cards – Monday, April 19
th 3. Little Caesars Pizza Kit Forms Due – Monday, April 19
th 4. Religious Retreat Grade 7 and Grade 8 – Wednesday, April 21, 2021 (12:00 to 3:00)
5. Religious Retreat Grade 7 and Grade 8 – Wednesday, April 21st
. Spring Open House – Thursday, April 22 from 6:00 to 7:30 share
www.visitstclareschool.org with prospective families
7. Tuition Assistance Application 2021/2022 --https://www.detroitcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance-scholarships May 21, 2021 is deadline for first round applications. This application is also used by the school to grant tuition assistance for those seeking it (catholic and non-catholic).
Peace, God’s blessings, and happiness wished to you, Ms. Crowley