I am sending this on June 30
th so that families who need to complete their Tuition Assistance requests from the AOD have one last notification to do so. Today is the last day to submit your requests.
Due to the rain and flooding, the Mobile Vaccine Unit did not come to school Saturday, June 26
th. The tentative date for their return to St. Clare to give the second dose is Saturday, July 17th. If you received your first dose from the Mobile Unit on June 26th and provided your contact information, you should expect Wayne County Health Department to contact you directly to confirm the date when you can receive your second dose.
A Handbook Meeting was held on June 28
th. Only Ms. Cooley and I were in attendance. We will undertake the first revision of the handbooks and submit to the School Commission for review. We will coordinate the handbooks so all have the same guidelines in them. Archaic components will be removed. Updating will be undertaken. The old handbooks will be archived.
People have been reaching out about the summer program. Very few Catholic schools offer summer programs. Due to the fact we have many students who reside in Detroit, the children from Detroit qualify for this Title I Summer Program. We have students from many different communities and Title I funds are community specific in designation. The Grosse Pointe communities receive little Title I funding. Children who reside in Grosse Pointe are unable to attend a Title I program funded by Detroit funds. We are fortunate to be a site location for our Detroit children. An application form is needed. The program for K thru 8 Detroit students will run from Monday, July 26 to Friday, August 6 from 8:30 to 12:30. Please send an email to
[email protected] letting her know you are interested in having your child attend. Also look at links below. A flyer and enrollment form are accessible there.
Know that the school office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 9:00 and 1:00. We will try to reach out to those of you who contact the office during those hours.
Important Dates and Reminders: 1. Tuition Assistance Last Round – Wednesday, June 30
th Due Date.
2. Mobile Vaccine Unit – Saturday, July 3
rd from 10:00 to 3:00 in school parking lot.
3. After 6 on Kercheval – Saturday, July 24
th from 6:00 to 10:00. St. Clare table promoting enrollment
4. Summer Program – Monday, July 26 to Friday, August 6
th 8:30 to 12:30
5. Back to School Celebration – Sunday, August 22
6. Pre-K Roundup – Tuesday, August 24
th or Wednesday, August 25
th 7. New Family Orientation – Thursday, August 26
th 8. First Half Day of School – Monday, August 30
Peace and God’s blessing wished to you, Ms. Crowley