“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) Dear St. Clare of Montefalco School Families and Parishioners, During this Advent Season, the students and staff in our school have been enthusiastically preparing for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our faith helps us to think about Jesus’ humble birth in a manger, and for our school community, a wonderful opportunity to reflect together on the true meaning of Christmas. We are reminded to keep Christ close in our hearts for He is our strength throughout our lives.
St. Clare School Auction News Save the Date! St. Clare School Auction is on Saturday, April 6th! Auction items and sponsorship are still needed. Please reach out to Satyra Johnson at [email protected] or (313) 231-1631. Mary Poppins and friends are looking forward to seeing you!
We are now into the 2nd quarter in fifth grade. The students are learning many new things this year. Our lizard Brownie, and our tree frog Garfunkel are doing well. We continue to watch our bean plants grow that were planted during an investigation on what plants need in Science class. In Religion the students are learning about living as Jesus would live. They recently did skits together showing ways that they could live as Jesus did.
Hello to St. Clare Parish from the St. Clare School Sixth Grade. We are having a great year in Room 13! We welcomed 4 new students in September; then, in October we had a fun time at YMCA Camp Storer where we rode the Little Red Wagon, went on a Night Hike, and mostly realized how well we all get along. Every year 6th grade is responsible for raising and lowering the American Flag, along with our school flag, at the pole on Charlevoix. To learn about the proper way to care for the flag and how to raise, lower and fold it the right way, Officers Murphy and Gunther of the Detroit Mounted Police came to teach Kayla and Lilly how to be our flag team. They also taught us to have reverence for the flag and when to put it at half-mast as we did when President Bush died. When we were done they took Ivan and Andre, their two male Percheron horses, out of the trailer for the whole...