The Indian River Fruit Sale is in full swing at St. Clare School. The sale has been extended until Monday, October 21st. The fruit is picked fresh and on the road in less than 24 hours. We must sell at least 100 cases to have a delivery. Each student that sells at least 5 cases will receive a free Jeans Day on Monday, November 4th! Ask your friends, relatives, and neighbors to support St. Clare. There are order forms in the office and at the back table in church, or you can click this article for the link to order online. Fruit will be delivered the week of November 18th. If you have any questions, contact Ann Conlan at 313-647-5101 or [email protected].
St. Clare of Montefalco 4th and 5th grade students and families attended a follow-up meeting with the park design team of The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park, the western extension of the waterfront Riverfront Walk, on Monday, October 7th. The students were part of the Children's Design Team for the 4.5 acre Children's Play Garden last school year. Our students saw where some of their suggestions were incorporated into the park. One of our students, Lauren Harris, designed a statue that will be built in the park! The St. Clare students impressed the designers and participants with their astute questioning about all aspects surrounding the various sections of the park. Materials, safety, water flow, flora and fauna, and seasonal use questions were all posed by the St. Clare students. Proud to be falcons!
This has been a great first week of October as we began our Iowa testing. The students have been using best practices during testing to demonstrate their proficiency. We also celebrated a fantastic school Mass celebrating the Feast of the Guardian Angels, planned by our 4th/5th grade class. We love having our school families and parishioners join us every week! We are looking forward to our Blessing of the Pets to celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, which will take place Friday, October 3 at 2:55 pm.