One of our favorite times of the year is upon us - Catholic Schools Week! We have a lot of fun activities planned to celebrate our Catholic school community, beginning with a special Mass on Saturday, January 25th. Please click here to see the full calendar of events. We hope to see you there!
Wow, what a busy month! December was full of fun and learning as we wrapped up 2019 at St. Clare. The whole school celebrated the Advent season with Advent wreaths throughout the building. The students worked very hard on their annual Christmas concert and performed for families and community members on the 19th. We ended the school year with giving a brand new St. Clare sweatshirt to every single student in the school, thanks to a very generous donor. The students loved their sweatshirts and continue to wear them to school! We had a great 2019 and we look forward to what's in store for 2020.