We have a lot of fun things happening at St. Clare to celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2021! Please open this post to view the calendar of events. Additionally, you can find information about the Archdiocese of Detroit's Student Art Contest. Winners of the contest will receive a scholarship. We hope to see some winners from St. Clare of Montefalco!
I hope this finds you all doing well. Attendance has been outstanding these past few weeks at school. Drop Off in the mornings has been terrific too. Thank you for having your children ready to get out of the cars and dressed for the weather too. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
I hope this finds you all doing well. Many of the links referenced in last Thursday’s Newsletter go hot today. I made an edit to that Newsletter here so you may open the links you may want to use this week. There is an Auction Meeting this Wednesday that you are all invited to attend. It is really a fun event. Your involvement would connect you with other families and would be fun for you. I hope you are able to attend the meeting. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
You are now able to register your children for the 2021/2022 school year. We are holding spots for current families until February 12, 2021. It is important for you to secure a seat for your child for the upcoming year by registering by this date. You will receive the $100 registration discount fee so registration is $200 per school family. That discount remains until March 31st. You must register to save a seat for your child. Please open this post to view the rest of the update.
We are having a very good week with very few absences. Morning drop off is improving every day. I am able to get back into my office for prayer and announcements by 8:05, now after a slow start Monday. The teachers took temperatures outside and no one had to go home. A few students needed their temperatures taken a few times to confirm they were not hot but all worked out. The hallways were happy with the footsteps of young people and adults stepping along gracefully once again. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
After feedback around returning to the church for mass, we are going to hold mass on Facebook, virtually, until further notice. This Friday, mass will be at 2:00 on the school's Facebook page.
This is a reminder from the January 7th e-blast about Mass being listed on the calendar as TBD. This Friday afternoon we will have for Grades 1 thru 8 in the church for Mass. Students will sit in their cohort groups so they will be safe. Only the students, their teachers, and Father Andrew will be attending. We will start bringing the students over at 2:00 and take the time needed to sit them properly. The same goes for dismissal from the church. Please open this post to view the complete update.
This is so exciting. We will see you in the morning. Here are some last minute updates to questions posed to me since the Thursday meeting. Remember those of you who were not present must view the recording of the meeting in the Thursday newsletter sent home. You must also review the documents shared above and then email [email protected] informing me you viewed the protocols. Please open this post to view the complete update.
This was a terrific week for us at St. Clare of Montefalco. Attendance was amazing. Most days only one or two students were absent. Teachers taught from their homes quarantining just like the students. We are good to go Monday, January 11, 2021. Please open this post to view the complete newsletter.
I hope this finds you all doing well. Tomorrow is the 4:00 PM Mandatory Parent Meeting. It will address protocols for the return to face-to-face instruction on Monday, January 11, 2021. A recording will be made of this meeting if you are unable to attend. Those who do not sign in the chat room may view the recording from the school website. You would then send me an email stating you viewed it. You must indicate you attended the meeting in some format to insure that your child will be able to return on Monday.
In order to enable this to happen I am letting you know that no packets will be given out or received on Monday, January 4, 2021. The entire staff will work from home next week including the office staff. This will assure no one being exposed to others who may have been exposed to COVID-19. Progress Notes may be returned January 11th or, you may take photos of signed copies and submit to teachers virtually. Teachers will remain in contact with you and post lessons as they have been doing virtually before we left for break. See the January 1st Newsletter for important dates happening at the school. I will also remain in contact with you during the upcoming week too.